A dome of constant color varying from horizon to zenith.
Color Dome | Type | Default | |
Luminance (luminance) | Luminance of dome when picking white horizon and zenith. | real | 13830f |
Multiplier (multiplier) | TODO | real | 1f |
Hemispherical (hemispherical) | Restricts illumination to the top-half of the sphere. | bool | false |
Zenith (zenith) | Color of the sky at the zenith. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Horizon (horizon) | Color of the sky at the horizon. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Altitude (altitude) | The angle, from the horizon, where the horizon and zenith colors meet. | real | 45f |
Represents a Date & Time, specified by year/month/day/hour/minute/second.
Date & Time | Type | Default | |
Month (month) | TODO | string | "september" |
Day (day) | Day begins at 1 (i.e. the first of March == 1). | uint | 23u |
Year (year) | TODO | int | 2000 |
Hour (hour) | TODO | uint | 16u |
Minute (minute) | TODO | uint | 0u |
Second (second) | TODO | uint | 0u |
DST (useDst) | DST (Daylight Savings Time) usage changes by locality, so you must specify whether to make use of it. | bool | false |
An infinite ground plane.
Ground Plane | Type | Default | |
Material (material) | TODO | node | null |
Elevation (elevation) | Controls ground elevation. | real | 0f |
UV Transform (uvTransform) | TODO | object | null |
Repeat (repeat) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(1 1) |
Offset (offset) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Rotation (rotation) | TODO | real | 0f |
An HDRI dome.
Image Dome | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".exr" |
Luminance (luminance) | Multiplier of the exposure of image. Default is 13830 (luminance) to be calibrated with default camera settings, matching with colorDome, where a white pixel results in max non-burn white. | real | 13830f |
Multiplier (multiplier) | TODO | real | 1f |
Interpolation (interpolation) | Chooses the influence of the texel neighbours. | string | "bilinear" |
Hemispherical (hemispherical) | Restricts illumination to the top-half of the sphere. | bool | false |
Overrides (overrides) | TODO | object | null |
Background (background) | The environment that will be seen directly by the camera. | node | null |
Illumination (illumination) | The environment that contributes global illumination to the scene. | node | null |
Reflection (reflection) | The environment seen in specular reflections. Note that as objects become more rough, it is the illumination channel that will come to dominate their reflections. | node | null |
Refraction (refraction) | Then environment seen in specular refractions. Note that as objects become more rough, it is the illumination channel that will come to dominate their refractions. | node | null |
Mapping | |||
Projection (projection) | TODO | string | "spherical" |
Scale (scale) | Scales the image in UV space. | vec2 | vec2(100 100) |
Offset (offset) | Offsets the image in (scaled) UV space. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Transform | |||
Xform (xform) | TODO | mat3 | mat3(1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Location | Type | Default | |
City (city) | Choose from the list to set Latitude and Longitude. | string | "Barcelona" |
Latitude (latitude) | TODO | real | 41.3870165f |
Longitude (longitude) | TODO | real | 2.170094f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Utc Offset (outUtcOffset) | TODO | real | n/a |
This represents a particular solar state defined by date, time, and location.
Sky Dome | Type | Default | |
Turbidity (turbidity) | Controls sky turbidity. As reference values, set 1 for a very clear sky, 3 a clear sky in a temperate climate, 6 in a warm, most day, 10 a slightly hazy sky. | real | 3f |
Ground Albedo (groundAlbedo) | The ground albedo. | rgba | rgba(0.2 0.2 0.2 1) |
Lower Dome (lowerDome) | Determines what to render in the lower hemisphere of the sky dome. | string | "ground" |
Sun Shadows (sunShadows) | TODO | bool | true |
Date & Time | |||
Day (day) | Day begins at 1 (i.e. the first of March == 1). | uint | 23u |
Month (month) | TODO | string | "september" |
Hour (hour) | TODO | uint | 16u |
Minute (minute) | TODO | uint | 0u |
DST (useDst) | DST (Daylight Savings Time) usage changes by locality, so you must specify whether to make use of it. | bool | false |
Location | |||
City (city) | Choose from the list to set Latitude and Longitude. | string | "Barcelona" |
Latitude (latitude) | TODO | real | 41.3870165f |
Longitude (longitude) | TODO | real | 2.170094f |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotates the natural North direction. | real | 0f |
Overrides | |||
Direction (direction) | An optional xform to define the sun direction. Note that the xform must appear somewhere under the world node. | node | null |
Date Time (dateTime) | An optional dateTime node which (when a location node is also present) overrides the sun direction. | node | null |
Location (location) | An optional location node which (when a dateTime node is also present) overrides the sun direction. | node | null |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Angles (outAngles) | Returns sun { altitude, azimuth }. Depends on the presence of dateTime & location nodes. | real | n/a |
Out Dir (outDir) | Returns the sun direction, according to dateTime & location if present, otherwise positive Z. This value is then multiplied by the transform of the first instance of this node, if it is in the hierarchy. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Utc Offset (outUtcOffset) | TODO | real | n/a |
Out Xform (outXform) | Returns the sun direction, according to dateTime & location if present, otherwise positive Z. This value is then multiplied by the transform of the first instance of this node, if it is in the hierarchy. | mat3 | n/a |
An ACES-inspired tonemapping using coefficients from github.com/TheRealMJP/BakingLab/blob/master/BakingLab/ACES.hlsl.
Aces | Type | Default | |
Exposure Bias (exposureBias) | TODO | real | 1f |
Represents a physical camera.
Camera | Type | Default | |
Preset (preset) | TODO | string | "custom" |
Resolution (resolution) | The image output resolution, measured in pixels, for this camera. | vec2 | vec2(500 500) |
Sensor (sensor) | A link to this camera's sensor node. | node | null |
Lens (lens) | A link to this camera's lens node. | node | null |
Region (region) | An optional region to render, within the image frame. | node | null |
Exposure | |||
Mode (exposureMode) | Modulate shutter, fStop, or ISO to obtain the chosen EV. A and A+S modes are especially useful for allowing changes to fStop (and therefore DOF), without affecting exposure. | string | "both" |
A (Aperture Priority) | Modulate shutter to obtain EV while maintaining the chosen aperture (fStop) value. | value = "aperture" | |
S (Shutter Priority) | Modulate aperture (fStop) to obtain EV while maintaining the chosen shutter value. | value = "shutter" | |
A+S (Modulate ISO) | Modulate ISO, to obtain EV while maintaining the aperture (fStop) and shutter values. | value = "both" | |
M (Manual) | Manually set shutter, aperture (fStop), and ISO, with no compensation. | value = "manual" | |
EV (ev) | The exposure Value (@ ISO 100) used in auto exposure-compensation. | real | 14f |
Shutter (shutter) | The camera shutter speed, as น/n seconds. | real | 522.45f |
Physical | |||
Pinhole (pinhole) | Overrides the camera lens with a pinhole lens, getting everything focused. | bool | false |
Projection (projection) | TODO | string | "perspective" |
Zoom (zoom) | Apply an extra zoom factor to the camera. This is mostly useful for plugins exporting parallel views. | real | 1f |
Roll (roll) | Tilt the camera about its view direction. | real | 0f |
Camera response curves from the Database of Response Functions (DoRF: https://www1.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/software/softlib/dorf.php).
Camera Response | Type | Default | |
Model (model) | TODO | string | "KODACHROME_64CD" |
Exposure Bias (exposureBias) | TODO | real | 1f |
Burn (burn) | Controls how much image keeps burnt. With a zero value none pixel in the image is allowed to exceed the burn limit. With a parameter of 100%, makes no difference, allowing all burnt energy to keep equally burnt. | real | 75f |
False color of the luminance.
False Color | Type | Default | |
Exposure Bias (exposureBias) | TODO | real | 1f |
Gamma (gamma) | TODO | real | 1f |
A Fflmic tonemapping based on an example by by John Hable (filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-operators). This simulates the tone curve of film in the image, with a toe (darker zone) and a shoulder (brighter zone). Between them there is a linear section and its form depends on the toe and shoulder parameters.
Filmic Hable | Type | Default | |
Type (type) | TODO | string | "custom" |
Exposure Bias (exposureBias) | TODO | real | 1f |
WhitePoint [W] (whitePoint) | TODO | real | 11.2f |
Shoulder (shoulder) | TODO | object | null |
Strength [A] (strength) | TODO | real | 0.15f |
Linear (linear) | TODO | object | null |
Strength [B] (strength) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Angle [C] (angle) | TODO | real | 0.1f |
Toe (toe) | TODO | object | null |
Strength [D] (strength) | TODO | real | 0.2f |
Numerator [E] (numerator) | TODO | real | 0.02f |
Denominator [F] (denominator) | TODO | real | 0.3f |
This lens filter, which is only used when aperture diffraction is enabled, simulates grate-diffraction effects.
Grating Filter | Type | Default | |
Type (type) | TODO | string | "6star" |
Rotation (rotation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Lines | |||
Opacity (opacity) | TODO | real | 100f |
Thickness (lineThickness) | The thickness of lines for Parallel and Star types. | uint | 1u |
Spacing (lineSpacing) | Spacing between lines for Parallel and Star types. Resolution must be a multiple of line spacing. | uint | 128u |
Random Lines (randomLines) | The number of lines to generate for the Random type. | uint | 1000u |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Buffer (outBuffer) | TODO | byte[] | n/a |
This lens filter simulates a neutral density filter.
ND Filter | Type | Default | |
ND Number (ndNumber) | Values are taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutral-density_filter. | real | 1f |
This node defines a rectangular region of the output image, within which rendering will take place. Portions lying outside this region will appear black.
Region | Type | Default | |
Size (size) | The size of the rectangle to render. A size of zero area will deactivate the region. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Offset (offset) | The location of the rectangle, in image coordinates, from the top left corner of the image. It is allowed for portions of the region rectangle to lie outside the image rectangle. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Blow Up (blowUp) | Zoom to the region rectangle. | bool | false |
Restricted (blowUpRestricted) | Make the blowUp restricted to selected region. | bool | false |
It's a simple tonemapping that simulates the tone curve of film in the image, using just a burn parameter.
Reinhard | Type | Default | |
Exposure Bias (exposureBias) | TODO | real | 1f |
Burn (burn) | Controls how much image keeps burnt. With a zero value none pixel in the image is allowed to exceed the burn limit. With a parameter of 100%, makes no difference, allowing all burnt energy to keep equally burnt. | real | 75f |
This node represents the camera's image sensor (or film).
Sensor | Type | Default | |
ISO (iso) | Determines the sensitivity, or speed, of the sensor (or film). | real | 100f |
Sharpness (sharpness) | Overall clarity in terms of both focus and contrast. | real | 50f |
Tonemapping (tonemapping) | TODO | node | null |
Bloom (bloom) | TODO | object | null |
Apply (apply) | Apply bloom | string | "never" |
Uniform (uniform) | When a pixel saturates, determines the amount of energy spreading uniformly in the sensor. Note that while the lower part of the range is linear, the upper part grows quadratically. Additionally range has been extended to 10 for allowing stronger effects. | real | 0.5f |
Vertical (vertical) | When a pixel saturates, determines the amount of energy spreading vertically in the sensor. | real | 0f |
Size | |||
Size (size) | Defines the size of the sensor (or film). Aspect ratio will be corrected to match the camera's output resolution if necessary. | vec2 | vec2(30 30) |
Pixel Aspect (pixelAspect) | TODO | real | 1f |
Film Fit (filmFit) | Controls the sensor size relative to the resolution when their aspect ratio differs. | string | "horizontal" |
This node represents a more complex 'thick' lens, which simulates various effects seen in common (esp. lower-quality) physical lenses, by modeling the thickness and radius of the lens.
Thick Lens | Type | Default | |
Shift (shift) | Shifts the lens laterally with respect to the sensor. This allows, for example, photography of tall buildings without the perspective distortion that would result from tilting the camera to capture the entire building. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Steps (steps) | The array of motion blur steps for this lens. Attribute values in this section may be assigned different values at each time step, in an animation. | object[] | null |
fStop (fStop) | f-number controlling the aperture area. Is the ratio of the system's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. | real | 32f |
Focal Length (focalLen) | Inversely proportional to the field of view, the focal length of a lens is roughly the distance from the center of the lens, to its principal focal point. As such, where a telephoto lens has longer focal length (e.g. 200mm), a wide-angle lens has a shorter focal length (e.g. 28mm). | real | 85f |
Focus Distance (focusDist) | The distance from the camera to the focal plane. | real | 0.43f |
Aperture (aperture) | Determines the type of aperture (usually a diaphragm) used in the camera. While a circular aperture renders slightly more quickly, the other types are able to produce the well-known 'bokeh' effect commonly seen in images with substantial depth of field. | object | null |
Shape (shape) | Geometric form of the aperture. | string | "circular" |
Blades (blades) | The number of blades (fewer than 3 implies the circular aperture shape). | uint | 6u |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotation angle of the iris (this rotates the bokeh effect). | real | 60f |
Diffraction (diffraction) | Computes, using wave optics, how light diffracts when it goes through the aperture of the camera and/or the diffraction grating filter in front of the lens system. Beside being used for producing colorful light spikes you can simulate how the image gets blurred at high fstop numbers as happens in real cameras, or subtle halos with richer detail that you could get due to bloom of light saturating a pixel sensor. | string | "never" |
Filters (filters) | A list of lens filters to be applied during rendering. | node[] | null |
Lens | |||
Radius (radius) | Radius of curvature of the lens. | real | 4f |
Thickness (thickness) | Lens thickness: distance along the lens axis between the two lens surfaces. | real | 0.1f |
Dispersion (dispersion) | Enable or disable lens dispersion (chromatic aberration). Enabled gives a more realistic lens effect but chromatic noise may require more rendering time to clear. | bool | true |
Abbe (abbe) | Dispersion abbe number of the lens. Lower values results in higher dispersion. | real | 30f |
This node represents an ideal 'thin' lens.
Thin Lens | Type | Default | |
Shift (shift) | Shifts the lens laterally with respect to the sensor. This allows, for example, photography of tall buildings without the perspective distortion that would result from tilting the camera to capture the entire building. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Steps (steps) | The array of motion blur steps for this lens. Attribute values in this section may be assigned different values at each time step, in an animation. | object[] | null |
fStop (fStop) | f-number controlling the aperture area. Is the ratio of the system's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. | real | 5.6f |
Focal Length (focalLen) | Inversely proportional to the field of view, the focal length of a lens is roughly the distance from the center of the lens, to its principal focal point. As such, where a telephoto lens has longer focal length (e.g. 200mm), a wide-angle lens has a shorter focal length (e.g. 28mm). | real | 42f |
Focus Distance (focusDist) | The distance from the camera to the focal plane. | real | 8f |
Aperture (aperture) | Determines the type of aperture (usually a diaphragm) used in the camera. While a circular aperture renders slightly more quickly, the other types are able to produce the well-known 'bokeh' effect commonly seen in images with substantial depth of field. | object | null |
Shape (shape) | Geometric form of the aperture. | string | "circular" |
Blades (blades) | The number of blades (fewer than 3 implies the circular aperture shape). | uint | 6u |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotation angle of the iris (this rotates the bokeh effect). | real | 60f |
Diffraction (diffraction) | Computes, using wave optics, how light diffracts when it goes through the aperture of the camera and/or the diffraction grating filter in front of the lens system. Beside being used for producing colorful light spikes you can simulate how the image gets blurred at high fstop numbers as happens in real cameras, or subtle halos with richer detail that you could get due to bloom of light saturating a pixel sensor. | string | "never" |
Vignetting (vignetting) | TODO | object | null |
Natural (natural) | Controls the amount of natural vignetting, also known as natural illumination falloff, darkening near the edges of the image. By default is off, meaning totally compensated. | real | 0f |
Optical (optical) | Controls the amount of optical vignetting ( cat's' eye bohek ) of the camera. At max 100% maximizes the effect while preventing any focused point to be occluded. Above 100% is allowed but will dark the image more. | real | 0f |
Filters (filters) | A list of lens filters to be applied during rendering. | node[] | null |
Perception-based spectral tone mapper with virtual gamut extension and support for general RGB output color spaces.
Vision Tone | Type | Default | |
Exposure Bias (exposureBias) | TODO | real | 1f |
Contrast (contrast) | TODO | real | 2f |
Vibrance (vibrance) | TODO | real | 1f |
This represents a simple plane emitter, and as such, will use the emitter material of its parent transform, if one is assigned.
Area Light | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | The color of the light. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Intensity (intensity) | The energy intensity value, generally corresponding to a host-application parameter. | real | 1f |
Multiplier (multiplier) | A value by which the intensity is scaled. This is mainly provided to allow scaling Bella light intensity such that host light intensity may be used to control both Bella, and other renderers you may be using. | real | 1f |
Falloff (falloff) | Falloff of the emitter. Quadratic mode matches the natural light behavior. | string | "quadratic" |
Output (output) | Scale by Area produces constant output energy per surface unit area. Absolute distributed total energy over all light area. | string | "absolute" |
Shape (shape) | Shape of the emitter: rectangular, or disk or polygon where radius is the smaller of sizeX or sizeY. | string | "rectangle" |
SizeX (sizeX) | The x-dimension of the plane, centered on the local origin. | real | 1f |
SizeY (sizeY) | The y-dimension of the plane, centered on the local origin. | real | 1f |
Sides (sides) | Number of sides in the regular polygon. Below 3 will show as disk. | uint | 4u |
This represents a directional light source.
Directional Light | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | The color of the light. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Intensity (intensity) | The energy intensity value, generally corresponding to a host-application parameter. | real | 1f |
Multiplier (multiplier) | A value by which the intensity is scaled. This is mainly provided to allow scaling Bella light intensity such that host light intensity may be used to control both Bella, and other renderers you may be using. | real | 1f |
Size (size) | Controls the visible size of the light with the angular size ( diameter ), generating harder or softer shadows. Sun is about 0.533ฐ | real | 1f |
Output (output) | Scale by Area produces constant output energy per surface unit area. Absolute distributed total energy over all light area. | string | "absolute" |
This represents an IES/LDT photometric light source.
IES Light | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".bsa" |
Color (color) | Color of the emitter. Note that you may connect here an SPD or Temperature node. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Multiplier (multiplier) | Alter the energy indicated by the IES/LDT data. | real | 1f |
Rotation | |||
RotationX (rotationX) | TODO | real | 0f |
RotationY (rotationY) | TODO | real | 0f |
RotationZ (rotationZ) | TODO | real | 0f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
This represents a point light source, and as such, cannot support area-based emitter materials.
Point Light | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | The color of the light. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Intensity (intensity) | The energy intensity value, generally corresponding to a host-application parameter. | real | 1f |
Multiplier (multiplier) | A value by which the intensity is scaled. This is mainly provided to allow scaling Bella light intensity such that host light intensity may be used to control both Bella, and other renderers you may be using. | real | 1f |
This represents a pointlight-based spotlight, and as such, cannot support area-based emitter materials.
Spot Light | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | The color of the light. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Intensity (intensity) | The energy intensity value, generally corresponding to a host-application parameter. | real | 1f |
Multiplier (multiplier) | A value by which the intensity is scaled. This is mainly provided to allow scaling Bella light intensity such that host light intensity may be used to control both Bella, and other renderers you may be using. | real | 1f |
Aperture (aperture) | The aperture angle, from 0 to 180 degrees, of the spotlight cone. | real | 90f |
Penumbra (penumbra) | The aperture angle, from 0 to 180 degrees, of the spotlight cone. | real | 0f |
Radius (radius) | Controls the radius of light to allow harder or softer shadows. | real | 0f |
Output (output) | Scale by Area produces constant output energy per surface unit area. Absolute distributed total energy over all light area. | string | "absolute" |
This represents a sun-like light source. Its direction is taken from the node's transform, unless overridden by dateTime & location nodes.
Sun | Type | Default | |
Multiplier (multiplier) | A value by which the intensity is scaled. This is mainly provided to allow scaling Bella light intensity such that host light intensity may be used to control both Bella, and other renderers you may be using. | real | 1f |
Angular Size (size) | Controls the angular size of the sun, generating harder or softer shadows. | real | 0.532745800792f |
Date & Time | |||
Day (day) | Day begins at 1 (i.e. the first of March == 1). | uint | 23u |
Month (month) | TODO | string | "september" |
Hour (hour) | TODO | uint | 16u |
Minute (minute) | TODO | uint | 0u |
DST (useDst) | DST (Daylight Savings Time) usage changes by locality, so you must specify whether to make use of it. | bool | false |
Location | |||
City (city) | Choose from the list to set Latitude and Longitude. | string | "Barcelona" |
Latitude (latitude) | TODO | real | 41.3870165f |
Longitude (longitude) | TODO | real | 2.170094f |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotates the natural North direction. | real | 0f |
Overrides | |||
Direction (direction) | An optional xform to define the sun direction. Note that the xform must appear somewhere under the world node. | node | null |
Date Time (dateTime) | An optional dateTime node which (when a location node is also present) overrides the sun direction. | node | null |
Location (location) | An optional location node which (when a dateTime node is also present) overrides the sun direction. | node | null |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Angles (outAngles) | Returns sun { altitude, azimuth }. Depends on the presence of dateTime & location nodes. | real | n/a |
Out Dir (outDir) | Returns the sun direction, according to dateTime & location if present, otherwise positive Z. This value is then multiplied by the transform of the first instance of this node, if it is in the hierarchy. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Utc Offset (outUtcOffset) | TODO | real | n/a |
Out Xform (outXform) | Returns the sun direction, according to dateTime & location if present, otherwise positive Z. This value is then multiplied by the transform of the first instance of this node, if it is in the hierarchy. | mat3 | n/a |
A procedurally-generated box with optional fillet/chamfer.
Box | Type | Default | |
SizeX (sizeX) | TODO | real | 1f |
SizeY (sizeY) | TODO | real | 1f |
SizeZ (sizeZ) | TODO | real | 1f |
Radius (radius) | TODO | real | 0f |
Top Face (topFace) | Render the top face, or not, or only the rounding. | string | "on" |
Rounding (rounding) | Radius will be relative to minor axis size or absolute. | string | "relative" |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Clip Plane | Type | Default | |
Opaque (opaque) | Allow light to enter through the clip plane. | bool | false |
A procedurally-generated cylinder.
Cylinder | Type | Default | |
Radius (radius) | The radius of the generated cylinder, centered on the local origin. | real | 0.5f |
Height (height) | The height of the generated cylinder. The cylinder is centered on the local origin, with half the specified height going in the positive direction, and half in the negative. | real | 1f |
A procedurally-generated disk.
Disk | Type | Default | |
Radius (radius) | The radius of the generated disk, centered on the local origin. | real | 0.5f |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Grass | Type | Default | |
Type (type) | Defines the shape of grass blades. | string | "flat" |
Mapping (mapping) | Specifies whether the texture will be mapped to each blade individually or to the entire grass area. | string | "blade" |
Material (material) | Assign a material to be used on grass. | node | null |
Distribution | |||
Density (density) | Maximum amount of blades per square meter. | uint | 10000u |
Multiplier (densityMultiplier) | Multiplier applied to adjust the grass density. | real | 0.5f |
Max Blades (maxBlades) | Maximum total number of blades. | uint | 1000000u |
Geometry | |||
Length (length) | Length of blades. | real | 10f |
Multiplier (lengthMultiplier) | Multiplier applied to adjust the length of blades. | real | 1f |
Variation (lengthVariation) | Defines the variation of length. | real | 0.5f |
Base Radius (baseRadius) | Defines the radius of blade base. | real | 0.25f |
Tip Radius (tipRadius) | Defines the radius of blade tip. | real | 0f |
Shape | |||
Bend (bend) | Amount of bending effect. | real | 0.5f |
Stiffness (stiffness) | Defines the stiffness of blades. | real | 0.5f |
Roundness (roundness) | Controls the curvature of bending effect. | real | 0.5f |
Rotation (rotation) | Defines the direction of bending effect. | real | 0f |
Variation (rotationVariation) | Defines the variation in direction of bending effect. | real | 0.5f |
A transform (also called 'xform' in Bella) positions a set of child nodes in the scene, including transforms or other renderable nodes. Additionally, it determines the material with which these children will be rendered, and whether they will be visible to various parts of the rendering process.
The root of the visible scene is the 'world' transform, with a hierarchy being formed by its children, their children, and so forth. Since nodes may be referenced in multiple places in the scene, it is possible to 'instance' geometry by parenting it to multiple transforms, and indeed, everything rendered in Bella is what is generally referred to as an 'instance'.
Furthermore, since it is possible to parent one transform to another, it is possible to 'instance instances' or entire sub-heirarchies of instances, by parenting transforms under multiple transforms. The only restriction here is that it is of course not allowed for a transform to be parented to itself, whether directly or indirectly.
Instancer | Type | Default | |
Material (material) | The material used for this transform and its children (except where overridden, or assigned per-index). | node | null |
Steps (steps) | The array of motion blur steps for this transform. | object[] | null |
Transform (xform) | The transformation matrix for this motion blur step. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Instances (instances) | Per-step instance transforms. | mat4f[] | null |
Children (children) | The list of child nodes positioned in the scene by this transform. | node[] | null |
Visibility | |||
Visibility (visibility) | Determines the visibility of this transform. This value can override that inherited from a parent transform. | string | "inherit" |
Render Flags (renderFlags) | Controls different options to the object mostly related to visibility. | node | null |
This node represents a polygonal mesh, with time steps for encoding mesh-deformation motion blur.
Mesh | Type | Default | |
Terminator (terminator) | Set to Geometric to force no smoothing of the terminator. | string | "smooth" |
Normals (normals) | Set this to Flat to force flat shading, or Recompute to force recomputation of vertex normals according the the Smooth Angle attribute. When set to Smooth, and computation is not otherwise required, the vertex normals from the mesh will be used, if they exist. | string | "smooth" |
Smooth Angle (smoothAngle) | The maximum angle between faces to be smoothed, when meshes are displaced, or when Normals is set to Recompute, to force comutation of smooth normals. | real | 40f |
Displacement (displacement) | Connect a Displacement node to displace this mesh. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Grass (grass) | Connect a Grass node to generate grass on this mesh. | node | null |
Subdivision (subdivision) | TODO | object | null |
Override (override) | Connect a Subdivision node here to /override the mesh's built-in subdivision attributes. This is /useful for conveniently managing subdivision parameters on /multiple meshes. | node | null |
Level (level) | Each level splits geometry once, so level 1 splits 1 quad into 4, level 2 splits those 4 into 16, and so on. The memory requirements therefore grow quickly. When set to -1 the value will be inherited or use the Subd Level value in settings. | int | -1 |
IPR Level (iprLevel) | The subdivision level used for IPR. At the default of -1 this will use the IPR Subd Level in settings. If that is also set to -1, the non-IPR Level value will be used, which itself will be taken from the non-IPR settings Subd Level if set to -1. | int | -1 |
Scheme (scheme) | Determines whether to use Catmull-Clark or Bilinear subdivision. Catmull-Clark should be used with typical quad-based subdivision surfaces, while Bilinear is generally useful for subdividing to produce denser mesh geometry for displacement. The 'none' value can be used to disable subdivision, regardless of the current level value. | string | "catmark" |
Vertex Interp. (vtxBoundaryInterp) | The vertex interpolation to be used at boundaries, sharpening either edges, or edges and corners. | string | "edgesAndCorners" |
UV Interp. (fvarLinearInterp) | The UV interpolation to be used at boundaries. | string | "cornersPlus2" |
None | Smooth everywhere | value = "none" | |
Corners Only | Sharpen at corners | value = "cornersOnly" | |
Corners Plus1 | Sharpen at edges & corners | value = "cornersPlus1" | |
Corners Plus2 | Sharpen at edges & corners, propagate corners | value = "cornersPlus2" | |
Boundaries | Sharpen at all boundaries (always sharp) | value = "boundaries" | |
All | Bilinear interpolation | value = "all" | |
Tri Subdiv (triSubdiv) | The weighting to use for triangle subdivision. This is only used in the Catmark scheme. | string | "catmark" |
Max Memory (maxMemory) | The maximum memory usage that will be allowed when subdividing this geometry. | uint | 128u |
Channels (channels) | An array of UV channel names associated with this mesh. The number of channels indicates the number of UV channels, and the name for a given channel may be empty. | string[] | null |
Override | |||
Render As (renderAs) | Overrides the mesh with the built-in geometry. | string | "mesh" |
Rounding (rounding) | Determines whether edge radius is absolute, or relative to the minor axis size. | string | "relative" |
Radius (radius) | Determines edge rounding for the Box mode. | real | 0f |
Flip | |||
FlipU (flipU) | Flip the UV-coordinates in the U channel. | bool | false |
FlipV (flipV) | Flip the UV-coordinates in the V channel. | bool | false |
Flip Normals (flipNormals) | Flip the Normal direction. | bool | false |
Geometry | |||
Polygons (polygons) | Buffer of uint[a,b,c,d] polygon indices used for mixed triangle/quad meshes. When poly.c != poly.d, the polygon is interpreted as a quad. | vec4u[] | null |
Steps (steps) | The array of motion blur steps for this mesh. Each step may contain different points, normals, and UVs. | object[] | null |
Time (time) | Time value (in the range [0,1]) for this motion blur step. | real | 0f |
Points (points) | Points (vertexes) for this motion blur step. | pos3f[] | null |
Normals (normals) | Optional normals for this motion blur step. | vec3f[] | null |
Uvs (uvs) | Optional UV coords (interleaved by UV channel) for this motion blur step. | vec2f[] | null |
Tangents (tangents) | Optional tangents (interleaved by UV channel) for this motion blur step. | vec4f[] | null |
A procedurally-generated plane.
Plane | Type | Default | |
SizeX (sizeX) | The x-dimension size of the plane, centered on the local origin. | real | 1f |
SizeY (sizeY) | The y-dimension size of the plane, centered on the local origin. | real | 1f |
A procedurally-generated disk.
Polygon | Type | Default | |
Radius (radius) | The radius of the generated polygon, centered on the local origin. | real | 0.5f |
Sides (sides) | Number of sides in the regular polygon. Below 3 will show as disk. | uint | 4u |
Controls different options to the object mostly related to visibility.
Render Flags | Type | Default | |
Visible to Camera (visibleToCamera) | When disabled, objects will not be visible to the camera. | bool | true |
Visible in Refl. (visibleInReflection) | When disabled, objects will not be visible in reflections. | bool | true |
Visible in Refr. (visibleInRefraction) | When disabled, objects will not be visible in refractions. | bool | true |
Visible to Indir. (visibleToIndirect) | When disabled, objects will not be visible to indirect light rays. | bool | true |
Cast Shadows (castShadows) | When disabled, objects will not cast shadows. | bool | true |
Capture Shadows (captureShadows) | When Enabled, object will be use only for capturing shadows in the shadow pass, will be ignored in rest of passes. | bool | false |
Boolean (boolean) | TODO | string | "off" |
A procedurally-generated sphere.
Sphere | Type | Default | |
Radius (radius) | The radius of the generated sphere, centered on the local origin. | real | 0.5f |
This node is useful for applying subdivision to multiple meshes, using their subdivision override attribute.
Subdivision | Type | Default | |
Level (level) | Each level splits geometry once, so level 1 splits 1 quad into 4, level 2 splits those 4 into 16, and so on. The memory requirements therefore grow quickly. When set to -1 the value will be inherited or use the Subd Level value in settings. | int | -1 |
IPR Level (iprLevel) | The subdivision level used for IPR. At the default of -1 this will use the IPR Subd Level in settings. If that is also set to -1, the non-IPR Level value will be used, which itself will be taken from the non-IPR settings Subd Level if set to -1. | int | -1 |
Scheme (scheme) | Determines whether to use Catmull-Clark or Bilinear subdivision. Catmull-Clark should be used with typical quad-based subdivision surfaces, while Bilinear is generally useful for subdividing to produce denser mesh geometry for displacement. The 'none' value can be used to disable subdivision, regardless of the current level value. | string | "catmark" |
Vertex Interp. (vtxBoundaryInterp) | The vertex interpolation to be used at boundaries, sharpening either edges, or edges and corners. | string | "edgesAndCorners" |
UV Interp. (fvarLinearInterp) | The UV interpolation to be used at boundaries. Either smooth everywhere, sharpened at corners, at edges & corners, at edges & corners with edges propagated, at boundaries, or using linear interpolation everywhere | string | "cornersPlus2" |
None | Smooth everywhere | value = "none" | |
Corners Only | Sharpen at corners | value = "cornersOnly" | |
Corners Plus1 | Sharpen at edges & corners | value = "cornersPlus1" | |
Corners Plus2 | Sharpen at edges & corners, propagate corners | value = "cornersPlus2" | |
Boundaries | Sharpen at all boundaries (always sharp) | value = "boundaries" | |
All | Bilinear interpolation | value = "all" | |
Tri Subdiv (triSubdiv) | The weighting to use for triangle subdivision. This is only used in the Catmark scheme. | string | "catmark" |
Max Memory (maxMemory) | The maximum memory usage that will be allowed when subdividing this geometry. | uint | 128u |
A transform (also called 'xform' in Bella) positions a set of child nodes in the scene, including transforms or other renderable nodes. Additionally, it determines the material with which these children will be rendered, and whether they will be visible to various parts of the rendering process.
The root of the visible scene is the 'world' transform, with a hierarchy being formed by its children, their children, and so forth. Since nodes may be referenced in multiple places in the scene, it is possible to 'instance' geometry by parenting it to multiple transforms, and indeed, everything rendered in Bella is what is generally referred to as an 'instance'.
Furthermore, since it is possible to parent one transform to another, it is possible to 'instance instances' or entire sub-heirarchies of instances, by parenting transforms under multiple transforms. The only restriction here is that it is of course not allowed for a transform to be parented to itself, whether directly or indirectly.
Transform | Type | Default | |
Material (material) | The material used for this transform and its children (except where overridden, or assigned per-index). | node | null |
Subdivision (subdivision) | Apply subdivision to all children of this xform, unless overridden. | node | null |
Steps (steps) | The array of motion blur steps for this transform. | object[] | null |
Transform (xform) | The transformation matrix for this motion blur step. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Children (children) | The list of child nodes positioned in the scene by this transform. | node[] | null |
Materials (materials) | An array of material/index[] sets used to assign sub-object (e.g. per-polygon for meshes) materials. | object[] | null |
Material (material) | The material assigned to indices in this set. | node | null |
Indices (indices) | A uint32[] buffer of indices (e.g. polygon indices for a mesh) to associate with the specified material. | uint32[] | null |
Channels (channels) | An array of UV channel names associating texture nodes with UV channels of children of this transform. Through this association, it is possible to render different instances of a given mesh not only with different materials (through this transform's material attribute), but also with different UV coords. Note that it is comparatively expensive at render time to associate UV channels this way. | object[] | null |
Channel (channel) | The name to be used for this channel, to associate it with named UV channels on children of the transform. | string | "" |
Texture (texture) | The texture node to be associated with this channel. | node | null |
Visibility | |||
Visibility (visibility) | Determines the visibility of this transform. This value can override that inherited from a parent transform. | string | "inherit" |
Render Flags (renderFlags) | Controls different options to the object mostly related to visibility. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Bevel | Type | Default | |
Radius (radius) | The rounding radius, in mm. | real | 2f |
Samples (samples) | Higher samples yields higher-quality rounding, but at the expense of render time. | uint | 4u |
Interaction (interaction) | When set to Self, only edges of a given object will be rounded, while when set to Any, intersections between different objects will also be rounded. | string | "self" |
Blends together multiple materials, by opacity. Blending may be done by mixing together proportionally, or in an ordered fashion, with higher-indexed materials hiding (or overlaying) lower ones.
Blend | Type | Default | |
Materials (materials) | TODO | object[] | null |
Material (material) | TODO | node | null |
Opacity (opacity) | The opacity of this material. | real | 100f |
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Blend | |||
Mixing (mixing) | When unordered, materials are mixed proportional to their opacities. When ordered, those higher in the list will hide (overlay) those lower in the list. | string | "ordered" |
A 'smart' node is a type of node that presents one set of inputs, and outputs the name of a different node, internal to the render engine. It is used, for example, to provide a simplified type of material, which is internally composed of various other nodes.
Car Paint | Type | Default | |
Flakes (flakes) | TODO | object | null |
Strength (strength) | TODO | real | 0f |
Size (size) | TODO | real | 0.25f |
Density (density) | TODO | real | 0.75f |
Deviation (deviation) | TODO | real | 0.1f |
Orange Peel (orangePeel) | TODO | object | null |
Strength (strength) | Adjusts the strength of the bump effect. | real | 0f |
Size (size) | Adjusts the overall size of the pattern. | real | 0.5f |
Smoothness (smoothness) | Adjusts smoothing, mainly affecting the edges of cells in the pattern. | real | 0.5f |
Randomness (randomness) | Adjusts the surface pattern from random to falling along a grid. May be used to mimic patterned substrates like carbon fiber. | real | 1f |
Scratches (scratches) | TODO | object | null |
Size (size) | TODO | real | 0f |
Width (width) | TODO | real | 0.05f |
Depth (depth) | TODO | real | 0.05f |
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Car Paint | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.1683 0.0116 0.0033 1) |
Metallic (metallic) | TODO | real | 0.35f |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Candy (candy) | TODO | real | 0.35f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Node (outNode) | The name of the internal node generated by the smart node. The generated node should be built in the node's nodePrep() implementation, and the name saved for writing to outNode, in the node's nodeEval() implementation. | string | n/a |
A solid substrate that ranges in roughness from metallic to diffuse. Supports addition of a Layer for creating opaque plastics, ceramics, lacquered woods, etc.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Layer | |||
Layer (layer) | A layer to be applied over the substrate. | node | null |
Surface | |||
Reflectance (reflectance) | Color and amount reflected energy by the material. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Roughness (roughness) | The roughness of the surface. | real | 80f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The anisotropy of the surface. Default 0 isotropic. 100% is maximum anisotropy. Rotation parameter can be used to control the anisotropy angle. | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotation of tangent surface. | real | 0f |
Thin Film (thinFilm) | An optional thinFilm node, to add thin-film interference effects to the surface. | node | null |
A substrate into which light may refract, allowing to create glasses, plastics, liquids. Supports addition of a layer for simulating a lacquer, or dirt/fingerprints, etc.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 1 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Layer | |||
Layer (layer) | A layer to be applied over the substrate. | node | null |
Surface | |||
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the surface (affects both reflection & refraction). | real | 1.51f |
Roughness (roughness) | The roughness of the surface. | real | 0f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The anisotropy of the surface. Default 0 isotropic. 100% is maximum anisotropy. Rotation parameter can be used to control the anisotropy angle. | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotation of tangent surface. | real | 0f |
Thin Film (thinFilm) | An optional thinFilm node, to add thin-film interference effects to the surface. | node | null |
Medium | |||
Transmittance (transmittance) | The color of energy allowed to pass through the medium. | rgba | rgba(0.9 0.9 0.9 1) |
Depth (depth) | The depth at which color will visibly match the specified transmittance color. | real | 3f |
Scattering (scattering) | An optional scattering node, to produce scattering within the medium. | node | null |
Dispersion (dispersion) | TODO | bool | false |
Abbe (abbe) | Abbe number ( V-number ). Measure of material's dispersion. Lower values results in higher dispersion. | real | 59f |
Auto-boolean (autoBoolean) | When enabled, objects using this material will automatically subtract themselves from intersecting geometry. This is primarily intended to ease jewelry rendering, by allowing gems to render correctly without having seats physically cut out for them in the model. | bool | false |
A material which emits light, according to the specified units and power output.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Emitter | |||
Color (color) | Color of the emitter. Note that you may connect here an SPD or Temperature node. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Unit (unit) | The unit of energy to use for this emitter. | string | "lumen" |
Energy (energy) | The energy value (the meaning of which changes based on Unit) to use for this emitter. | real | 1000f |
Efficacy (efficacy) | It is the ratio of luminous flux to power, measured in lumens per watt in the International System of Units (SI). Typical values are: Incandescent ( 8-18 lm/W ), Halogen ( 16-35lm/W ), LED( 100-200lm/W ), Fluorescent ( 46-104 lm/W ) | real | 198.217f |
Falloff (falloff) | Falloff of the emitter. Quadratic mode matches the natural light behavior. | string | "quadratic" |
Projector (projector) | An optional projector node, to add emissive projection properties. | node | null |
Filter | |||
Illumination (illumination) | TODO | bool | true |
Diffuse (diffuse) | The percentage of diffuse energy the emitter illuminates. | real | 100f |
Specular (specular) | The percentage of specular reflections of this emitter. | real | 100f |
Caustics (caustics) | Enable or disable different types of caustics for this emitter. | node | null |
Radius (radius) | A ramp defining radii within which this emitter's output is constrained. | node | null |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Emitter Projector | Type | Default | |
Aperture (aperture) | Aperture of the cone. 90 degrees is fully opened. | real | 90f |
Energy (energy) | TODO | string | "focus" |
This node is used, for example, to control the computation of caustics for an Emitter material (attach to Emitter:Caustics).
Filter Caustics | Type | Default | |
Direct (direct) | Compute direct caustics. | bool | true |
Indirect (indirect) | Compute indirect caustics. | bool | true |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Surface | |||
Opacity (surfaceOpacity) | The opacity of the surface. | real | 100f |
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the surface (affects both reflection & refraction). | real | 1.35f |
Roughness (roughness) | The roughness of the surface. | real | 0f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The anisotropy of the surface. Default 0 isotropic. 100% is maximum anisotropy. Rotation parameter can be used to control the anisotropy angle. | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotation of tangent surface. | real | 0f |
Thin Film (thinFilm) | An optional thinFilm node, to add thin-film interference effects to the surface. | node | null |
Medium | |||
Opacity (mediumOpacity) | Set up the medium opacity based on different states. | string | "inherit" |
Inherit from Surface | Weight will be the same as the specular section. | value = "inherit" | |
Ignore Surface | Weight will ignore layer, making medium independent. | value = "ignore" | |
Disabled | Medium will be disabled, making it completelly transparent. The default medium parameters matches this behavior ( transmittance white and scattering 0 ). | value = "disabled" | |
Opaque | Medium will be opaque. Same as making transmittance black and scattering 0. It can be useful to enable this temporarily, to more easily adjust specularity. | value = "opaque" | |
Transmittance (transmittance) | The color of energy allowed to pass through the medium. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Scattering (scattering) | An optional scattering node, to produce scattering within the medium. | node | null |
A solid substrate which implements the Oren-Nayar reflectance model. This material is lambertian when Roughness is set to 0 (the default), and accepts a Layer for adding specularity.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Layer | |||
Layer (layer) | A layer to be applied over the substrate. | node | null |
Surface | |||
Reflectance (reflectance) | Color and amount of energy reflected by OrenNayar material. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Roughness (gd) | The roughness is the Gaussian distribution parameter of the Oren-Nayar model. A value of 0 matches the Lambert distribution. | real | 0f |
A PBR material especially designed to make quick and easy use of standard PBR texture sets. Accepts the path to any texture from a texture set, or to a .zip file containing a texture set.
PBR | Type | Default | |
Overrides (overrides) | These strings are populated when the PBR path is set, and may be used to override the automatically-inferred file names. | object | null |
Opacity (opacity) | TODO | string | "" |
Color (color) | TODO | string | "" |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | string | "" |
Metallic (metallic) | TODO | string | "" |
Specular (specular) | TODO | string | "" |
Glossiness (glossiness) | TODO | string | "" |
Anisotropy (aniso) | TODO | string | "" |
Rotation (anisoRotation) | TODO | string | "" |
Bump (bump) | TODO | string | "" |
Normal (normal) | TODO | string | "" |
Displacement (displacement) | TODO | string | "" |
Emission (emission) | TODO | string | "" |
Scattering (scattering) | TODO | string | "" |
AO (ao) | TODO | string | "" |
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
PBR | |||
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Specularity (specularity) | Increases or decreases the specularity, by internally adjusting roughness, ior, and specular weight. Default is 0.5. | real | 0.5f |
Interpolation (interpolation) | Chooses the influence of the texel neighbours. | string | "none" |
Color | |||
RGB Xform (rgbXform) | Connect here an rgbXform to be used to modify the color texture. | node | null |
Variation (variation) | Randomly varies color on each instance using this material. The variation is not truly random, such that it will remain consistent across sessions and machines. | real | 0f |
Border Color (borderColor) | Color used when evaluation point is out of the texture coordinates range. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 0) |
Bump & Normal | |||
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Strength (normalStrength) | For normal maps this should be from -1.0 to 1.0. | real | 1f |
Flip R (normalFlipRed) | Flip the direction of the red channel for normal mapping. | bool | false |
Flip G (normalFlipGreen) | Flip the direction of the green channel for normal mapping. Bella's native normal map format is OpenGL, so enable this if you have a DirectX normal map. | bool | true |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | Connect here a texform to be used for all textures, unless overridden in a specific texture. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Aniso Path (outAnisoPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Aniso Rotation Path (outAnisoRotationPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ao Path (outAoPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Bump Path (outBumpPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | TODO | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Path (outColorPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Displacement Path (outDisplacementPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Emission Path (outEmissionPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Glossiness Path (outGlossinessPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Metallic Path (outMetallicPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Node (outNode) | The name of the internal node generated by the smart node. The generated node should be built in the node's nodePrep() implementation, and the name saved for writing to outNode, in the node's nodeEval() implementation. | string | n/a |
Out Normal Path (outNormalPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Opacity Path (outOpacityPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Roughness Path (outRoughnessPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Scattering Path (outScatteringPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Specular Path (outSpecularPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Summary (outSummary) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
The Quick material may be set to one of several types, each exposing a small set of attributes applicable to the chosen type.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Quick | |||
Type (type) | TODO | string | "diffuse" |
Diffuse | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Topcoat (topcoat) | TODO | node | null |
Plastic | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Specularity (specularity) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Translucence (translucence) | The degree to which light tends to bounce into, or out of, the material. | real | 0.25f |
Ceramic | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Specularity (specularity) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Translucence (translucence) | The degree to which light tends to bounce into, or out of, the material. | real | 0.25f |
Lacquer | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Rubber | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Wax | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Skin | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Metal | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Anisotropy (metalAnisotropy) | The anisotropy of the surface. Default 0 isotropic. 100% is maximum anisotropy. Rotation parameter can be used to control the anisotropy angle. | real | 0f |
Rotation (metalRotation) | Rotation of tangent surface. | real | 0f |
Topcoat (topcoat) | TODO | node | null |
Glass | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
IOR (glassIor) | TODO | real | 1.51f |
Depth (glassDepth) | The depth at which color will visibly match the specified transmittance color. | real | 3f |
Gem | |||
Type (gemType) | Color and IOR will be used when Type is set to Custom. | string | "diamond" |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
IOR (gemIor) | TODO | real | 2.42f |
ArchGlass | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
IOR (archGlassIor) | TODO | real | 1.51f |
Film Weight (archGlassFilmWeight) | Values greater than zero will apply a metallic film to the glass. | real | 0f |
Film Color (archGlassFilmColor) | The color of metallic film to apply. You may also connect a Complex IOR node here. | rgba | rgba(0.7 0.7 0.7 1) |
Liquid | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
IOR (liquidIor) | TODO | real | 1.33f |
Depth (liquidDepth) | The depth at which color will visibly match the specified transmittance color. | real | 50f |
Juice | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Emitter | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Unit (emitterUnit) | The unit of energy to use for this emitter. | string | "lumen" |
Energy (emitterEnergy) | The energy value (the meaning of which changes based on Unit) to use for this emitter. | real | 1000f |
Leaf | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Specularity (specularity) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Translucence (translucence) | The degree to which light tends to bounce into, or out of, the material. | real | 0.25f |
Hue (leafHue) | TODO | real | 0f |
Saturation (leafSaturation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Grass | |||
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5776 0.5776 0.5776 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Color (outColor) | TODO | rgba | n/a |
Out Node (outNode) | The name of the internal node generated by the smart node. The generated node should be built in the node's nodePrep() implementation, and the name saved for writing to outNode, in the node's nodeEval() implementation. | string | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Scattering | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | Color of the scattering. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Albedo (albedo) | The amount of scattering. | real | 1f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The direction in which light tends to be scattered. | real | 0f |
A thin virtual dielectric layer with no refraction, often used for architectural glass, or with the addition of a Scattering node, paper, leaves, etc.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Surface | |||
Opacity (surfaceOpacity) | The opacity of the surface. | real | 100f |
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the surface (affects both reflection & refraction). | real | 1.51f |
Roughness (roughness) | The roughness of the surface. | real | 0f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The anisotropy of the surface. Default 0 isotropic. 100% is maximum anisotropy. Rotation parameter can be used to control the anisotropy angle. | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | Rotation of tangent surface. | real | 0f |
Thin Film (thinFilm) | An optional thinFilm node, to add thin-film interference effects to the surface. | node | null |
Medium | |||
Opacity (mediumOpacity) | Set up the medium opacity based on different states. | string | "inherit" |
Inherit from Surface | Weight will be the same as the specular section. | value = "inherit" | |
Ignore Surface | Weight will ignore layer, making medium independent. | value = "ignore" | |
Disabled | Medium will be disabled, making it completelly transparent. The default medium parameters matches this behavior ( transmittance white and scattering 0 ). | value = "disabled" | |
Opaque | Medium will be opaque. Same as making transmittance black and scattering 0. It can be useful to enable this temporarily, to more easily adjust specularity. | value = "opaque" | |
Transmittance (transmittance) | The color of energy allowed to pass through the medium. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Scattering (scattering) | An optional scattering node, to produce scattering within the medium. | node | null |
A substrate which implements the Random Walk subsurface-scattering method. It is well-suited for typical VFX subsurface-scattering scenarios, especially including human skin.
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Layer | |||
Layer (layer) | A layer to be applied over the substrate. | node | null |
Subsurface | |||
Color (color) | Desired color of the scattering. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Radius (radius) | Radius. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Scale (scale) | Scale. | real | 0.1f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The direction in which light tends to be scattered. | real | 0f |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Thin Film | Type | Default | |
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the film. | real | 1.2f |
Thickness (thickness) | Thickness of the film. | real | 400f |
A traditional PBR-type material with various sub-components for Base, Specular, etc, as well as some Bella-specific ones (i.e. Thin Medium and Thin Film).
Uber | Type | Default | |
Base (base) | TODO | object | null |
Weight (weight) | TODO | real | 1f |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Diffuse Rough. (diffuseRoughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Metallic (metallic) | TODO | real | 0f |
Metallic Rough. (metallicRoughness) | TODO | real | 75f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | TODO | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Specular (specular) | TODO | object | null |
Weight (weight) | TODO | real | 1f |
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the surface (affects both reflection & refraction). | real | 1.5f |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 10f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | TODO | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Transmission (transmission) | TODO | object | null |
Weight (weight) | TODO | real | 0f |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Depth (depth) | The depth at which color will visibly match the specified transmittance color. | real | 3f |
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the surface (affects both reflection & refraction). | real | 1.5f |
Roughness (roughness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | TODO | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Dispersion (dispersion) | TODO | bool | false |
Abbe (abbe) | Abbe number ( V-number ). Measure of material's dispersion. Lower values results in higher dispersion. | real | 59f |
Subsurface (subsurface) | TODO | object | null |
Weight (weight) | TODO | real | 0f |
Color (color) | Desired color of the scattering. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Radius (radius) | Radius. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Scale (scale) | Scale. | real | 0.1f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The direction in which light tends to be scattered. | real | 0f |
Thin Medium (thinMedium) | TODO | object | null |
Weight (weight) | TODO | real | 0f |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Substrate (substrate) | TODO | string | "enabled" |
Enabled | Renders thin medium as normal, as when using a layer over a substrate. | value = "enabled" | |
Disabled | Renders thin medium as a Bella Sheet, with no substrate. | value = "disabled" | |
Albedo (albedo) | The amount of scattering. | real | 0f |
Scattering (scattering) | Color of the scattering. | rgba | rgba(1 1 1 1) |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The direction in which light tends to be scattered. | real | 0f |
Thin Film (thinFilm) | TODO | object | null |
Thickness (thickness) | Thickness of the film. | real | 0f |
IOR (ior) | The index of refraction of the film. | real | 1.2f |
Apply To (applyTo) | Set up where the thinFilm is applied. | string | "both" |
Common | |||
Opacity (opacity) | The overall opacity of the material. | real | 100f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bevel (bevel) | Apply a Bevel node to objects using this material. | node | null |
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Node (outNode) | The name of the internal node generated by the smart node. The generated node should be built in the node's nodePrep() implementation, and the name saved for writing to outNode, in the node's nodeEval() implementation. | string | n/a |
Apply the Volumetric material to geometry, to define a region of scattering/absorbing participating media in the scene.
Common | |||
Priority (priority) | This material's priority in ray intersection for coplanar faces. | int | 0 |
Material ID (id) | The color used in the Material ID Pass. Black means use a random color. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Scattering | |||
Color (scatteringColor) | The color that tends to be scattered from particles within the volume. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Density (scatteringDensity) | The density of particles in the volume, which tend to scatter light. | real | 0.1f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | The direction (forward/backward) in which light tends to be scattered when it encounters a particle. | real | 0f |
Absorption | |||
Color (absorptionColor) | The color that emerges after light is aborbed by particles in the volume. Note that this can work unpredictably, since the light available to absorb is affected by how light is scattered within volume. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Density (absorptionDensity) | The density of particles in the volume, which tend to absorb light. | real | 0f |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Bump Map | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Map (map) | TODO | real | 0f |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Strength (strength) | TODO | real | 0.25f |
File Attributes | |||
Color Space (colorSpace) | TODO | string | "Auto" |
Border Color (borderColor) | Color used when evaluation point is out of the texture coordinates range. | rgba | rgba(0.2 0.2 0.2 0) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Variation (variation) | Randomly varies color on each instance using this material. The variation is not truly random, such that it will remain consistent across sessions and machines. | real | 0f |
Interpolation (interpolation) | Chooses the influence of the texel neighbours. | string | "none" |
Orientation (orientation) | TODO | string | "normal" |
Normal | Apply no transformation (this is also EXIF Orientation 1). | value = "normal" | |
Use EXIF value | Use the EXIF Orientation value, if it is found. | value = "useExif" | |
Flip horizontally | Force EXIF Orientation 2: flip the image horizontally. | value = "flipHorizontal" | |
Rotate 180ฐ | Force EXIF Orientation 3: rotate the image 180ฐ. | value = "rotate180" | |
Flip vertically | Force EXIF Orientation 4: flip the image vertically. | value = "flipVertical" | |
Transpose | Force EXIF Orientation 5: flip the image in both directions. | value = "transpose" | |
Rotate 90ฐ right | Force EXIF Orientation 6: rotate the image 90ฐ clockwise. | value = "rotateRight" | |
Transverse | Force EXIF Orientation 7: swap and flip in both directions. | value = "transverse" | |
Rotate 90ฐ left | Force EXIF Orientation 8: rotate the image 90ฐ counter-clockwise. | value = "rotateLeft" | |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Aspect (outAspect) | The aspect ratio of the input image. | real | n/a |
Out Color Space (outColorSpace) | The color space used to transform input. | string | n/a |
Out Res (outRes) | The resolution of the input image. | vec2 | n/a |
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Out Normal (outNormal) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Checker | Type | Default | |
Color 1 (color1) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.2 0.2 0.2 0) |
Color 2 (color2) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.8 0.8 0.8 1) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Blur (blur) | Blur between color 1 and 2. | real | 0f |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Color | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Variation (variation) | Randomly varies color on each instance using this material. The variation is not truly random, such that it will remain consistent across sessions and machines. | real | 0f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Color Blend | Type | Default | |
Colors (colors) | TODO | object[] | null |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Opacity (opacity) | TODO | real | 1f |
Blend Mode (blendMode) | TODO | string | "normal" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Color Ramp | Type | Default | |
Mode (mode) | TODO | string | "linear" |
Value (value) | TODO | real | 0f |
Stops (stops) | TODO | object[] | null |
Color (color) | The color for this stop. | rgba | rgba(0 0 0 1) |
Position (position) | The position for this stop. | real | 0f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Complex IOR | |||
Type (type) | These are from the 'selected data for 3D artists' category at refractiveindex.info. | string | "gold" |
IgnoreK (ignoreK) | TODO | bool | false |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | Accepts refractiveindex.info YAML documents with format 'tabulated nk', but it is much more reliable to use the 'TXT - tab separated' format. | string | ".txt" |
Data (data) | Overrides Type. Accepts refractiveindex.info YAML data in the format 'tabulated nk', but it is much more reliable to use the 'TXT - tab separated' format. | string | "" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Erc (outErc) | TODO | vec2d[] | n/a |
Out Erc Cols (outErcCols) | TODO | uint | n/a |
Out Have Tabulated Data (outHaveTabulatedData) | TODO | bool | n/a |
Out IorK (outIorK) | Provides a buffer of vec2d { wavelength, k }. | vec2d[] | n/a |
Out IorN (outIorN) | Provides a buffer of vec2d { wavelength, n }. | vec2d[] | n/a |
Out Irc (outIrc) | TODO | vec2d[] | n/a |
Out Irc Cols (outIrcCols) | TODO | uint | n/a |
OutTC (outTC) | TODO | vec2d[] | n/a |
OutTCCols (outTCCols) | TODO | uint | n/a |
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Displacement Map | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Map (map) | TODO | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Mode (mode) | TODO | string | "absolute" |
Height (height) | TODO | real | 1f |
Offset (offset) | TODO | real | 0f |
File Attributes | |||
Color Space (colorSpace) | TODO | string | "Auto" |
Border Color (borderColor) | Color used when evaluation point is out of the texture coordinates range. | rgba | rgba(0.2 0.2 0.2 0) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Variation (variation) | Randomly varies color on each instance using this material. The variation is not truly random, such that it will remain consistent across sessions and machines. | real | 0f |
Interpolation (interpolation) | Chooses the influence of the texel neighbours. | string | "none" |
Orientation (orientation) | TODO | string | "normal" |
Normal | Apply no transformation (this is also EXIF Orientation 1). | value = "normal" | |
Use EXIF value | Use the EXIF Orientation value, if it is found. | value = "useExif" | |
Flip horizontally | Force EXIF Orientation 2: flip the image horizontally. | value = "flipHorizontal" | |
Rotate 180ฐ | Force EXIF Orientation 3: rotate the image 180ฐ. | value = "rotate180" | |
Flip vertically | Force EXIF Orientation 4: flip the image vertically. | value = "flipVertical" | |
Transpose | Force EXIF Orientation 5: flip the image in both directions. | value = "transpose" | |
Rotate 90ฐ right | Force EXIF Orientation 6: rotate the image 90ฐ clockwise. | value = "rotateRight" | |
Transverse | Force EXIF Orientation 7: swap and flip in both directions. | value = "transverse" | |
Rotate 90ฐ left | Force EXIF Orientation 8: rotate the image 90ฐ counter-clockwise. | value = "rotateLeft" | |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Displacement (outDisplacement) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
Out Normal (outNormal) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Aspect (outAspect) | The aspect ratio of the input image. | real | n/a |
Out Color Space (outColorSpace) | The color space used to transform input. | string | n/a |
Out Res (outRes) | The resolution of the input image. | vec2 | n/a |
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
File Texture | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Color Space (colorSpace) | TODO | string | "Auto" |
Border Color (borderColor) | Color used when evaluation point is out of the texture coordinates range. | rgba | rgba(0.2 0.2 0.2 0) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Variation (variation) | Randomly varies color on each instance using this material. The variation is not truly random, such that it will remain consistent across sessions and machines. | real | 0f |
Interpolation (interpolation) | Chooses the influence of the texel neighbours. | string | "none" |
Orientation (orientation) | TODO | string | "normal" |
Normal | Apply no transformation (this is also EXIF Orientation 1). | value = "normal" | |
Use EXIF value | Use the EXIF Orientation value, if it is found. | value = "useExif" | |
Flip horizontally | Force EXIF Orientation 2: flip the image horizontally. | value = "flipHorizontal" | |
Rotate 180ฐ | Force EXIF Orientation 3: rotate the image 180ฐ. | value = "rotate180" | |
Flip vertically | Force EXIF Orientation 4: flip the image vertically. | value = "flipVertical" | |
Transpose | Force EXIF Orientation 5: flip the image in both directions. | value = "transpose" | |
Rotate 90ฐ right | Force EXIF Orientation 6: rotate the image 90ฐ clockwise. | value = "rotateRight" | |
Transverse | Force EXIF Orientation 7: swap and flip in both directions. | value = "transverse" | |
Rotate 90ฐ left | Force EXIF Orientation 8: rotate the image 90ฐ counter-clockwise. | value = "rotateLeft" | |
Strict Alpha (strictAlpha) | TODO | bool | true |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Aspect (outAspect) | The aspect ratio of the input image. | real | n/a |
Out Color Space (outColorSpace) | The color space used to transform input. | string | n/a |
Out Res (outRes) | The resolution of the input image. | vec2 | n/a |
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Flakes | Type | Default | |
Size (size) | The average size of each flake. | real | 0.25f |
Variation (variation) | The amount that each individual flake may be randomly varied in size. | real | 0.5f |
Density (density) | The quantity of flakes per area. | real | 0.5f |
Deviation (deviation) | The amount that individual flakes may be randomly tilted. | real | 0.1f |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Dimension (dimension) | Sets whether to compute cells in 3D space, or in 2D UV space. | string | "3D" |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Out Normal (outNormal) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Grid | Type | Default | |
Color (color) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.8 0.8 0.8 1) |
Background (background) | TODO | rgba | rgba(0.2 0.2 0.2 0) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Count (count) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(4 4) |
Thickness (thickness) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0.1 0.1) |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Transform | |||
Auto Aspect (autoAspect) | If outUV is connected to a node with an outAspect attribute (usually a fileTexture node), its value will be used to set Repeat:V. | bool | false |
Repeat (repeat) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(1 1) |
Offset (offset) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Rotate (rotate) | TODO | real | 0f |
Tiling | |||
MirrorU (mirrorU) | TODO | bool | false |
MirrorV (mirrorV) | TODO | bool | false |
WrapU (wrapU) | TODO | bool | true |
WrapV (wrapV) | TODO | bool | true |
Stagger (stagger) | TODO | bool | false |
Frame | |||
Coverage (coverage) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(1 1) |
Translate Frame (translateFrame) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Rotate Frame (rotateFrame) | TODO | real | 0f |
UV Space | |||
FlipU (flipU) | TODO | bool | false |
FlipV (flipV) | TODO | bool | false |
Outputs | Type | ||
OutU (outU) | The transformed uvCoord U value. | real | n/a |
OutUV (outUV) | The transformed uvCoord. | vec2 | n/a |
OutV (outV) | The transformed uvCoord V value. | real | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Implements (optionally) multiple octaves of Perlin Simplex summed to produce fBm (Fractional Brownian Motion) noise, with configurable mapping from [-1,1] to other domains (use Range=0.25 and Offset=1.0 to obtain [0, 1]). See https://github.com/SRombauts/SimplexNoise for more information.
Noise | Type | Default | |
Scale (scale) | Scale the space in which noise is generated. | real | 0.25f |
Octaves (octaves) | This many iterations of successively higher frequency/lower amplitude noise will be summed, generating smaller features with each iteration. | uint | 3u |
Lacunarity (lacunarity) | The frequency multiplier between successive octaves. | real | 2f |
Persistence (persistence) | The loss of amplitude between successive octaves. | real | 1f |
Amplitude (amplitude) | Amplitude (height) of the first octave of noise. | real | 1f |
Range (range) | The natural output is in [-1, 1], and we apply `output = (output + ((offset*2)-1)) * (range*2)` so you can use range=0.25 and offset=1.0 to map to [0, 1]. | real | 0.5f |
Offset (offset) | The natural output is in [-1, 1], and we apply `output = (output + ((offset*2)-1)) * (range*2)` so you can use range=0.25 and offset=1.0 to map to [0, 1]. | real | 0.5f |
Mapping | |||
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Value (outValue) | Unclamped scalar output. | real | n/a |
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Normal Map | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Map (map) | TODO | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Bump/normal (normal) | Accepts the outNormal of a bump or normal map. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Strength (strength) | TODO | real | 1f |
Flip R (flipRed) | Flip the direction of the red channel. | bool | false |
Flip G (flipGreen) | Flip the direction of the green channel. Bella's native normal map format is OpenGL, so enable this if you have a DirectX normal map. | bool | false |
Full-range B (fullRangeBlue) | Use the full [0,1] range in the blue channel. | bool | false |
File Attributes | |||
Color Space (colorSpace) | TODO | string | "Auto" |
Border Color (borderColor) | Color used when evaluation point is out of the texture coordinates range. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 1 1) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Variation (variation) | Randomly varies color on each instance using this material. The variation is not truly random, such that it will remain consistent across sessions and machines. | real | 0f |
Interpolation (interpolation) | Chooses the influence of the texel neighbours. | string | "none" |
Orientation (orientation) | TODO | string | "normal" |
Normal | Apply no transformation (this is also EXIF Orientation 1). | value = "normal" | |
Use EXIF value | Use the EXIF Orientation value, if it is found. | value = "useExif" | |
Flip horizontally | Force EXIF Orientation 2: flip the image horizontally. | value = "flipHorizontal" | |
Rotate 180ฐ | Force EXIF Orientation 3: rotate the image 180ฐ. | value = "rotate180" | |
Flip vertically | Force EXIF Orientation 4: flip the image vertically. | value = "flipVertical" | |
Transpose | Force EXIF Orientation 5: flip the image in both directions. | value = "transpose" | |
Rotate 90ฐ right | Force EXIF Orientation 6: rotate the image 90ฐ clockwise. | value = "rotateRight" | |
Transverse | Force EXIF Orientation 7: swap and flip in both directions. | value = "transverse" | |
Rotate 90ฐ left | Force EXIF Orientation 8: rotate the image 90ฐ counter-clockwise. | value = "rotateLeft" | |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Aspect (outAspect) | The aspect ratio of the input image. | real | n/a |
Out Color Space (outColorSpace) | The color space used to transform input. | string | n/a |
Out Res (outRes) | The resolution of the input image. | vec2 | n/a |
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Out Normal (outNormal) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
RGB Xform | Type | Default | |
Map (map) | Connect a texture outColor here, to modify its output. | rgba | rgba(0.5 0.5 0.5 1) |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Hue (hue) | TODO | real | 0f |
Saturation (saturation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Brightness (brightness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Contrast (contrast) | TODO | real | 0f |
Min (min) | TODO | real | 0f |
Max (max) | TODO | real | 1f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Scratches | Type | Default | |
Scale (scale) | TODO. | real | 0.5f |
Width (width) | TODO. | real | 0.25f |
Depth (depth) | TODO. | real | 0.5f |
Anisotropy (anisotropy) | TODO | real | 0f |
Rotation (rotation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "cubic" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Out Normal (outNormal) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
Specifies an SPD (Spectral Power Distribution) for use in emitters. Note that faithful reproduction of the measured data requires choosing Unit=Source and Energy=1 in your emitter, though you are free to use other Units & Energy for artistic purposes.
SPD | Type | Default | |
Type (type) | TODO | string | "Arri_Compact125W_HMI_Spot" |
Path (path) | Overrides Data and Type. Accepts various SPD data formats. Contact us if you have a format we can support, it requires a list of wavelength/power pairs. | node | null |
Data (data) | Overrides Type. Accepts various SPD data formats. Contact us if you have a format we can support, it requires a list of wavelength/power pairs. | string | "" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Spectrum (outSpectrum) | Provides a buffer of vec2d { wavelength, value } where the unit of value is specified in the SPD data. | vec2d[] | n/a |
Out Unit (outUnit) | Provides the units of the SPD data. | string | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Temperature | Type | Default | |
Value (value) | Temperature. | real | 6503f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Spectrum (outSpectrum) | TODO | vec2d[] | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Transform | |||
Auto Aspect (autoAspect) | If outUV is connected to a node with an outAspect attribute (usually a fileTexture node), its value will be used to set Repeat:V. | bool | false |
Repeat (repeat) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(1 1) |
Offset (offset) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Rotate (rotate) | TODO | real | 0f |
Tiling | |||
MirrorU (mirrorU) | TODO | bool | false |
MirrorV (mirrorV) | TODO | bool | false |
WrapU (wrapU) | TODO | bool | true |
WrapV (wrapV) | TODO | bool | true |
Stagger (stagger) | TODO | bool | false |
UV Space | |||
Mode (mode) | TODO | string | "standard" |
Center (center) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0.5 0.5) |
FlipU (flipU) | TODO | bool | false |
FlipV (flipV) | TODO | bool | false |
Outputs | Type | ||
OutU (outU) | The transformed uvCoord U value. | real | n/a |
OutUV (outUV) | The transformed uvCoord. | vec2 | n/a |
OutV (outV) | The transformed uvCoord V value. | real | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Thickness Map | Type | Default | |
Map (map) | Texture Map controlling the thickness. | real | 0f |
Min (min) | Thickness associated to black ( min ) value of the texture map. | real | 0f |
Max (max) | Thickness associated to white ( max ) value of the texture map. | real | 1000f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Thickness (outThickness) | Output value from Thickness Map. | real | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Triplanar | Type | Default | |
x Axis (xAxis) | The X axis texture. When connected, this will also be used for Y and Z axis textures if they are not connected. | rgba | rgba(0.2122 0.0452 0.0452 1) |
y Axis (yAxis) | The Y axis texture. If xAxis is connected and this is not, the xAxis texture will be used here. To override this behavior, simply connect a Bella Color texture here. | rgba | rgba(0.0452 0.2122 0.0452 1) |
z Axis (zAxis) | The Z axis texture. If xAxis is connected and this is not, the xAxis texture will be used here. To override this behavior, simply connect a Bella Color texture here. | rgba | rgba(0.0452 0.0452 0.2122 1) |
Blend (blend) | Sets the amount of blending between the three planes. | real | 0f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Voronoi | Type | Default | |
Mode (mode) | Choose between various patterns. | string | "closest" |
Scale (scale) | Scale the space in which the voronoi pattern is generated. | real | 0.25f |
Jitter (jitter) | Adjusts points from a regular grid to randomized (typical euclidian-distance voronoi). | real | 1f |
Smoothness (smoothness) | Controls blending between cells, in the Voronoise and Watercolor modes. | real | 0f |
Deviation (deviation) | TODO | real | 0.1f |
Color | |||
Chromatic (chromatic) | TODO | bool | false |
Invert (invert) | TODO | bool | false |
Saturation (saturation) | TODO | real | 0f |
Brightness (brightness) | Adjusts the brightness of the scalar outValue. | real | 0f |
Contrast (contrast) | Adjusts the contrast of the scalar outValue. | real | 0f |
Min (min) | Adjusts the minimum of the scalar outValue. | real | 0f |
Max (max) | Adjusts the maximum of the scalar outValue. | real | 1f |
Mapping | |||
UV Coord (uvCoord) | TODO | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Dimension (dimension) | Sets whether to compute cells in 3D space, or in 2D UV space. | string | "3D" |
Projection (projection) | Project UV coordinates using one of several primitives. The Surface mode does not project, and instead uses UV coords from the object. | string | "surface" |
Surface | Use the UVs defined by the surface (mesh, etc). | value = "surface" | |
Cubic | Project a cubic UV space. | value = "cubic" | |
Planar | Project a planar UV space. | value = "planar" | |
Spherical | Project a spherical UV space. | value = "spherical" | |
Cylindrical | Project a cylindrical UV space. | value = "cylindrical" | |
Space (space) | Object projects in local object space, World projects in world space, and Uniform projects using world space size, but aligned with the object. | string | "uniform" |
Object | Project UVs in object space. If the object is scaled, the UVs will scale along with it. | value = "object" | |
Uniform | Project UVs in object space, but scaled like world-projected UVs, such that they are uniformly sized across all objects, but aligned to each object. | value = "uniform" | |
World | Project UVs in world space. | value = "world" | |
Transform (xform) | A transform applied to the mapping. Scale of 1 projects textures at 1 meter in size when using the Uniform or World spaces. | mat4 | mat4(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Value (outValue) | Unclamped scalar output. | real | n/a |
Out Vector (outVector) | Unclamped vector output. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vector Inv (outVectorInv) | Note that this has no sense in cases where you do not know the output range is in [0, 1] | vec3 | n/a |
Out A (outA) | The A value. Same as outAlpha, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out A Inv (outAInv) | The inverse A value. Same as outAlphaInv, just exists for logic that can use it. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha (outAlpha) | The alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Alpha Inv (outAlphaInv) | The inverse alpha value. | real | n/a |
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Average Inv (outAverageInv) | The inverse average value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out B (outB) | The B value. | real | n/a |
Out B Inv (outBInv) | The inverse B value. | real | n/a |
Out Color (outColor) | Provides an rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out Color Inv (outColorInv) | Provides an inverted rgba output, to connect to any rgba input. | rgba | n/a |
Out G (outG) | The G value. | real | n/a |
Out G Inv (outGInv) | The inverse G value. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of outColor { r, g, b }. | real | n/a |
Out R (outR) | The R value. | real | n/a |
Out R Inv (outRInv) | The inverse R value. | real | n/a |
Out Normal (outNormal) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Compare | Type | Default | |
a (a) | TODO | real | 0f |
b (b) | TODO | real | 0f |
Relation (relation) | TODO | string | "lesser" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Value (outValue) | TODO | real | n/a |
Splits a decimal 0-24 time value to hours, minutes, seconds.
Decimal Time | Type | Default | |
Time (time) | TODO | real | 12f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Hour (outHour) | TODO | uint | n/a |
Out Minute (outMinute) | TODO | uint | n/a |
Out Second (outSecond) | TODO | uint | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Invert | Type | Default | |
Scalar (scalar) | TODO | real | 0f |
Vector (vector) | TODO | vec4 | vec4(0 0 0 0) |
Color Space (colorSpace) | TODO | string | "linear" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Scalar (outScalar) | TODO | real | n/a |
Out Vec2 (outVec2) | TODO | vec2 | n/a |
Out Vec3 (outVec3) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vec4 (outVec4) | TODO | vec4 | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Number | Type | Default | |
Value (value) | TODO | real | 50f |
Min (min) | TODO | real | 0f |
Max (max) | TODO | real | 100f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Percent (outPercent) | TODO | real | n/a |
Out String (outString) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Value (outValue) | TODO | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Percent | Type | Default | |
Value (value) | TODO | real | 50f |
Min (min) | TODO | real | 0f |
Max (max) | TODO | real | 100f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out String (outString) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Value (outValue) | TODO | real | n/a |
Represents a value with ramps from zero, and back to zero, at each end. This is used, for example, to control the radius of an Emitter material.
Ramp In Out | Type | Default | |
Unit (unit) | The unit to use for values in this ramp. | string | "meter" |
In (in) | The In ramp. | object | null |
Start (start) | The distance at which the In ramp starts. | real | 0f |
End (end) | The distance at which the In ramp ends. | real | 0f |
Out (out) | The Out ramp. | object | null |
Start (start) | The distance at which the Out ramp starts. | real | 1f |
End (end) | The distance at which the Out ramp ends. | real | 1f |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Random Number | Type | Default | |
Seed (seed) | TODO | int | 0 |
Mean (mean) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Deviation (deviation) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Value (outValue) | TODO | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Scalar Op | Type | Default | |
ValueA (valueA) | TODO | real | 0f |
ValueB (valueB) | TODO | real | 0f |
Operation (operation) | The valueA attribute will be on the left hand side of the operation. Threshold returns ValueA > ValueB ? 1 : 0, and Threshold Value returns ValueA > ValueB ? ValueA : 0. | string | "add" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Value (outValue) | TODO | real | n/a |
Used to drive a vector input from a scalar output.
Scalar To Vector | Type | Default | |
All (all) | If connected, supersedes all other inputs. | real | 0f |
x (x) | The first value of the output vector. | real | 0f |
y (y) | The second value of the output vector. | real | 0f |
z (z) | The third value of the output vector (if applicable). | real | 0f |
w (w) | The fourth value of the output vector (if applicable). | real | 0f |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Vec2 (outVec2) | A Vec2 composed of either all, or the [x,y] inputs. | vec2 | n/a |
Out Vec3 (outVec3) | A Vec3 composed of either all, or the [x,y,z] inputs. | vec3 | n/a |
Out Vec4 (outVec4) | A Vec4 composed of either all, or the [x,y,z,w] inputs. | vec4 | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Vector Op | Type | Default | |
ValueA (valueA) | TODO | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
ValueB (valueB) | TODO | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Operation (operation) | TODO | string | "add" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Vec3 (outVec3) | TODO | vec3 | n/a |
Used to drive a scalar input from a vector output. The input used depends on connection state, with preference going to the widest connected input (or the vec4 value if none are connected).
Vector To Scalar | Type | Default | |
Vec2 (vec2) | The Vec2 input. used only when it is the only input connected. | vec2 | vec2(0 0) |
Vec3 (vec3) | The Vec3 input, preferred over the Vec2 input if both are connected. | vec3 | vec3(0 0 0) |
Vec4 (vec4) | The Vec4 input, preferred among multiple connections, and used by default when no inputs are connected. | vec4 | vec4(0 0 0 0) |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Average (outAverage) | The average value of the evaluated input vector. | real | n/a |
Out Max (outMax) | The maximum value of the evaluated input vector. | real | n/a |
Out Min (outMin) | The minimum value of the evaluated input vector. | real | n/a |
OutW (outW) | The fourth value of the evaluated input vector (or zero, if narrower than Vec4). | real | n/a |
OutX (outX) | The first value of the evaluated input vector. | real | n/a |
OutY (outY) | The second value of the evaluated input vector. | real | n/a |
OutZ (outZ) | The third value of the evaluated input vector (or zero, if narrower than Vec3). | real | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Input | Info | Type | Default |
Name (name) | A user-specified name for this node (as opposed to the actual node name, which does not change). | string | "" |
Dir (dir) | TODO | string | "" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Input Image Path | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Input Path | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".bsa" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Output Image Path | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".png" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
Represents a file path, split into directory, file name, and extension. For input paths, use '*' to allow matching based on file name alone.
Output Path | Type | Default | |
Dir (dir) | The directory, either absolute or relative, where the file may be located. For input paths, if the directory does not exist, the renderer will attempt to use the current scene (bsa/bsx, or plugin host file) location. | string | "" |
File (file) | The name of the file, excluding extension. | string | "" |
Ext (ext) | The file extension. For input files, choosing '*' will allow any file to match, based on file name alone. | string | ".bsa" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Dir (outDir) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Ext (outExt) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out File (outFile) | TODO | string | n/a |
Out Path (outPath) | TODO | string | n/a |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
The main render output.
Beauty Pass | Type | Default | |
Solver (solver) | The solver to use. | string | "saturn" |
Saturn | Saturn is our quickest solver, but does not support true caustics. | value = "saturn" | |
Atlas | Atlas is suitable for scenes with difficult lighting and complex caustics. | value = "atlas" | |
Target Noise (targetNoise) | The target noise for the Saturn solver. Higher values mean to stop sooner, with more noise in the image. Values between 4-6 are typically a good balance choice. Excessive lower values can make huge time to pixels to stop, postponing image refinement a lot. | uint | 6u |
Target Level (targetLevel) | The level at which to stop the Atlas solver. Setting to 100 means to render forever. | uint | 100u |
Time Limit (timeLimit) | An optional time limit which will stop a render before it has reached its target level or noise. A value of zero means no time limit. | real | 0f |
Samples Limit (samplesLimit) | An optional samples limit which will prevent a pixel to be sampled more than its value. A value of zero means no samples limit. | real | 0f |
Resume (resume) | Choose whether to load BSI files for resuming based on matching scene hash or name, or to disable resuming. NOTE: loading by name can result in resuming of incompatible render data, so use with care. | string | "byHash" |
By hash | Requires the scene hash (a value characterizing the complete scene state) to match that stored in the BSI file. | value = "byHash" | |
By name | Requires only that the BSI name & resolution match the BSX. NOTE: this can cause mixing of incompatible render data, since we can only reasonably guarantee compatibility with matching hashes. | value = "byName" | |
Disabled | Disables resuming regardless whether a matching BSI is found. | value = "disabled" | |
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Alpha (alpha) | Render an alpha pass and embed it in the beauty output, if supported by the output format. Currently supported in Saturn only, in Atlas you must still use an alphaPass node. | string | "disabled" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
Output Frequency | |||
Save Image (saveImage) | Determines if/when to write the output image file. For Atlas this is specified by the level after which Atlas should save the image at each new level, while for Saturn it is specified by a time interval. | int | 1 |
Save BSI (saveBsi) | Determines if/when to write the BSI file. | int | 0 |
Saturn | |||
Clamp Glossy Ind (clampGlossyInd) | TODO | real | 25f |
Caustic Sharpness (causticSharpness) | TODO | real | 0f |
Denoiser | |||
Denoise Image (denoiseImage) | Enable the denoiser at each image update, or only at the end of rendering. This parameter is interactive while production rendering in the GUI, so you can set it to denoise only at the end, but still switch it to 'At each update' from time to time, to check whether the denoised image looks good enough to stop rendering. | string | "never" |
Output Name (denoisedOutputName) | By default, the denoised output is named <output name>_denoised.<ext>. You may customize the name of the denoised output by entering a custom output name here. The format/depth of the denoised output is always the same as that of the main beauty pass output. | string | "" |
Override Path (denoisedOverridePath) | You may connect here an output image node, to specify a fully custom output path for the denoised image | node | null |
Bounces | |||
Diffuse (bouncesDiffuse) | The diffuse bounce limit, -1 means use the maximum number. | int | -1 |
Glossy (bouncesGlossy) | The glossy bounce limit, -1 means use the maximum number. | int | -1 |
Refraction (bouncesRefraction) | The refraction bounce limit, -1 means use the maximum number. | int | -1 |
Scattering (bouncesScattering) | The scattering bounce limit, -1 means use the maximum number. | int | -1 |
Volumetric (bouncesVolumetric) | The volumetric bounce limit, -1 means use the maximum number. | int | -1 |
Caustics | |||
Compute (caustics) | Choose computed caustics, all of them, complexity based, direct & indirect, only direct caustics, or no caustics | string | "complexityBased" |
Complexity (causticsComplexity) | Let the engine decide caustics based on the complexity when `Complexity Based` is selected | uint | 50u |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Light Pass | Type | Default | |
Includes (includes) | TODO | node[] | null |
Excludes (excludes) | TODO | node[] | null |
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Output Overrides | |||
Name (outputName) | A custom output name to use for this pass, overriding Settings > Output Name. Used, for example, if you want a z pass to have output named 'depth'. | string | "" |
Ext (outputExt) | The output file extension. | string | ".png" |
Depth (outputDepth) | The output depth, in bits per image channel. | uint | 8u |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space for the output image. | string | "Auto" |
Override Path (overridePath) | A custom output file path, to override the standard one. When this is used, none of the normal pass-naming logic will be applied. | node | null |
Film Grain | Type | Default | |
Average Radius (averageRadius) | TODO | real | 0.25f |
Deviation (deviation) | TODO | real | 0.5f |
Chromaticity (chromaticity) | TODO | real | 0f |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Live Lights | Type | Default | |
Groups (groups) | TODO | object[] | null |
Multiplier (multiplier) | TODO | real | 1f |
Elements (elements) | TODO | node[] | null |
Sensor Noise | Type | Default | |
Type (type) | TODO | string | "poisson" |
Weight (weight) | TODO | real | 0.25f |
Chromaticity (chromaticity) | TODO | real | 0f |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Settings | Type | Default | |
Extra Passes (extraPasses) | TODO | node[] | null |
Output | |||
Name (outputName) | The name to use as basis for output file names. If not set, the current BSX filename will be used. | string | "" |
Dir (outputDir) | The directory into which outputs will be written. If not set, the current BSX directory will be used. | string | "" |
Display & Postprocess | |||
OCIO Config (ocioConfig) | An environment variable or path pointing to an OCIO config. | string | "OCIO" |
Color Space (colorSpace) | The color space to use for IPR display. | string | "sRGB" |
Noise/Grain (noiseAndGrain) | TODO | node | null |
Rendering | |||
Threads (threads) | The number of threads to use for rendering. Use 0 for auto-detect, positive numbers for explicit, and negative numbers to use all threads minus the specified number, to leave one or two free for the OS and host application. | int | 0 |
Priority (priority) | The OS priority to use for the rendering process. | string | "low" |
Use GPU (useGpu) | Allow the GPU to be used for image processing and denoising. | bool | true |
Live Lights (liveLights) | TODO | node | null |
IPR | |||
Threads (iprThreads) | The number of threads to use in IPR. Use 0 for auto-detect, positive numbers for explicit, and negative numbers to use all threads minus the specified number, to leave one or two free for the OS and host application. | int | 0 |
Scale (iprScale) | A scale factor applied to the output resolution, for IPR. | real | 100f |
Denoise (iprDenoise) | Determines whether to apply denoising the IPR output. | bool | false |
Subd Level (iprSubdivLevel) | Global IPR subdivision level. Meshes or subdivision nodes that use -1 for IPR Level will use this value. When set to -1 this uses the production Subd Level value in settings. | int | -1 |
Preview mode (iprPreview) | Determines the preview visualization mode. | string | "off" |
Navigation (iprNavigation) | Determines the navigation style used by IPR windows. | string | "rhino" |
Maya | Orbit: ALT+LMB, Pan: ALT+MMB, Zoom: ALT+RMB | value = "maya" | |
Rhino | Orbit: RMB, Pan: (SHIFT|ALT+CTRL)+RMB, Zoom: (CTRL|ALT)+RMB | value = "rhino" | |
Sketchup | Orbit: MMB, Pan: SHIFT+MMB, Zoom: ALT+MMB | value = "sketchup" | |
Scene | |||
Camera (camera) | TODO | node | null |
Environment (environment) | TODO | node | null |
Sun (sun) | An optional sun node. | node | null |
Ground Plane (groundPlane) | An optional groundPlane node. | node | null |
Beauty Pass (beautyPass) | TODO | node | null |
Defaults & Overrides | |||
Default Material (defaultMaterial) | Assign a material to be used on objects with no material assigned. | node | null |
Override Material (overrideMaterial) | Globally override assigned materials, except for dielectrics and emitters. | node | null |
Subd Level (subdivLevel) | Global production subdivision level. Mesh or subdivision nodes whose Level is -1 will use this value for production rendering. This value will also be used in IPR when IPR Subd Level is set to -1, such that subdivision is controlled by the non-IPR levels by default, and overridden by using a value 0 or greater for IPR Subd Level in settings, or for the IPR Level on individual meshes and subdivision nodes. | uint | 0u |
Max. Subd Level (maxSubdivLevel) | Globally restrict subdivision level. | uint | 8u |
Bevel (bevel) | Globally disable bevel. | string | "enabled" |
Displacement (displacement) | Globally disable displacement. | string | "enabled" |
TODO: there is not yet help for this node.
Input | Info | Type | Default |
Name (name) | A user-specified name for this node (as opposed to the actual node name, which does not change). | string | "" |
Value (value) | TODO | string | "" |
Outputs | Type | ||
Out Value (outValue) | TODO | string | n/a |