Bella has been created to be the type of software that we, ourselves, prefer to use, not only in how the software itself is designed, but also in how it is offered as a product, and in how it is licensed.
We believe in offering a clear and simple product -- therefore, the only Bella offerings are the seat license, which includes all Bella software and plugins, and the node license (reduced cost, for CLI rendering only), neither of which is locked to any particular machine or operating system.
We do not believe in forcing our honest customers to pay the price (in terms of the inconvenience, and inevitable failure of draconian licensing schemes) to protect Bella from unauthorized use -- therefore, the Bella license is implemented as a simple text file.
We believe strongly in respecting your right to privacy -- therefore, Bella neither requires contacting any remote server to validate or register a license, nor does the software attempt to establish any remote connections, at all, during use.